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张科进, 副教授。1974年生,陕西 周至人。1999年西北老员工物系本科毕业,2004年2007年分别获得bv伟德源自英国始于1946动物专业硕士和博士学位,毕业后留校至今。现主要从事有关人类复杂疾病和认知能力的研究。


一) 主持项目:
1.国家自然科学基金项目(31340028),2014-2014 (主持人)
2.陕西省教育厅专项科研项目(10JK0620),2011-2013 (主持人)
3.陕西省自然科学基金项目(SJ08C236),2008-2010 (主持人)
4.陕西省教育厅专项科研项目(08JK468),2008-2010 (主持人)
5.bv伟德源自英国始于1946科研启动金 (主持人)
二) 参与并已经完成项目:
6.国家科技部“十五”科技攻关计划项目(2001BA901A49),2001-2006 (排名第9)
7.陕西省“九五”“十五”重大科技项目(95K12-G3.1 、2001K09-G09)2001-2006(排名第9)
8.国家973前期研究专项(2007CB516702),2007 (排名第2)
9.国家自然科学基金项目(30470577),2005-2007 (排名第3)
10. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目课题(2007BAI07A12),2008(排名第4)
11. 国家自然科学基金(30970967), 2010-2012 (排名第1)
12. 国家自然科学基金项目(30900155),2010-2012 (排名第1)
13. 国家自然科学基金项目(30970308),2010,(排名第1)
14. 国家自然科学基金项目(31100899),2011-2013,(排名第1)
15. 陕西省科技计划项目(2008K01-43),2008(排名第2)
三) 参与在研项目:
16. 国家自然科学基金项目(30971103),2011-2014,(排名第1)
17. 陕西省科技计划项目(2009K01-58),2009(排名第2)


四) 近期发表论文:
1. Lianxi Xing, Kejin Zhang, Ling Dai, Fengchao Li, Yale Guo, et al.A family-based association study of PRSS12 and mental retardation in the Qinba mountain region of China. Psychiatric genetics 01/2013;
2. Kejin Zhang, Meijie Zhang, Hongjuan He, Jing Zhan A family-based association study of dopamine receptor D4 and mental retardation in Qinba region of China.Neuroscience Letters 02/2012; 516(1):1-4.
3. Kejin Zhang, Heng Xi, Xiying Wang, Yale Guo, Shaoping Huang, Zijian Zheng, Fuchang Zhang, Xiaocai Gao. A Family-based Association Study of DIO2 and children mental retardation in the Qinba region of China. Journal of human genetics. 11/2011; DOI: 10.1038/jhg.2011.121
4. Zhang-Yan Shi, Ya-Jing Li, Ke-Jin Zhang, Xiao-Cai Gao, Zi-Jian Zheng, Ning Han, and Fu-Chang Zhang. Positive Association of CC2D1A and CC2D2A Gene Haplotypes with Mental Retardation in a Han Chinese Population. DNA and Cell Biology. doi:10.1089/dna.2011.1253
5. Pingyuan Gong, Zijian Zheng, Wanyu Chi, Xu Lei, Xiaodong Wu, Dongmei Chen, Kejin Zhang, Anyun Zheng, Xiaocai Gao, Fuchang Zhang. An Association Study of the Genetic Polymorphisms in 13 Neural Plasticity-Related Genes with Semantic and Episodic Memories. Journal of molecular neuroscience. 07/2011; DOI: 10.1007/s12031-011-9592-5
6. Pingyuan Gong, Jing Li, Wanyu Chi, Jian Wang, Tianbao Yao, Kejin Zhang, Xiaocai Gao, Fuchang Zhang. Variants in COMT and DBH Influence on Response Inhibition Ability in Chinese Han Females.Cellular and molecular neurobiology. 06/2011; DOI: 10.1007/s10571-011-9717-y
7. Pingyuan Gong, Fuchang Zhang, Wanhu Ge, Xu Lei, Wanyu Chi, Kejin Zhang, Anyun Zheng, Xiaocai Gao. Association Analysis of TPH2, 5-HT2A, and 5-HT6 With Executive Function in a Young Chinese Han Population. Journal of neurogenetics. 04/2011; DOI: 10.3109/01677063. 2011.569804
8. Pingyuan Gong, Jing Li, Jian Wang, Xu Lei, Dongmei Chen, Kejin Zhang, Wenjiang Zhang, Anyuan Zhen, Xiaocai Gao, Fuchang Zhang. Variations in 5-HT2A Influence Spatial Cognitive Abilities and Working MemoryThe Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques. 03/2011; 38(2):303-8.
9. Pingyuan Gong, Fuchang Zhang, Xu Lei, Xiaodong Wu, Dongmei Chen, Wenjiang Zhang, Kejin Zhang, Anyun Zheng, Xiaocai Gao. No Observable Relationship Between the 12 Genes of Nervous System and Reasoning Skill in a Young Chinese Han Population. Cellular and molecular neurobiology. 01/2011; DOI: 10.1007/s10571-010-9645-2
10. Peng Zheng, Kejin Zhang, Zhezhi Wang. Genetic diversity and gentiopicroside content of four Gentiana species in China revealed by ISSR and HPLC methods Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2011; 39(4-6):704-710.
10. Ning Han, Zhangyan Shi, Kejin Zhang, Xiaocai Gao, Zijian Zheng, Pingyuan Gong, Yale Guo, Shaoping Huang, Fuchang Zhang。Polymorphisms in the DLG3 gene is not associated with non-syndromic mental retardation in the Chinese Han population of Qin-Ba mountain. Cellular and molecular neurobiology. 2011 Jul;31(5): 695-700
11. Zhang K, Zheng Z, An C, et al., Genetic variations of FACL4 have no obvious influence on cognitive ability in young Chinese children. Psychiatry research, 2010;178(1):202-204
12. Zhang K, Gao X, Qi H, et al., Gender differences in cognitive ability associated of NLGN4. Neuropsychobiology. 2010;62(4):221-228.
13. Zhang K, He B, Xing L, et al., An association study between IL1RAPL2 gene and non-specific mental retardation in Chinese children. Genes & Genomics. 2010,(2):159-164
14. Gong P, Zheng A, Zhang K, et al., Association analysis between 12 genetic variants of ten genes and personality traits in a young chinese Han. Journal of molecular neuroscience. 2010;42(1):120-6.
15. 张科进, 王廷曦, 高晓彩, 等. PAK3基因rs17327273位点多态性与秦巴山区精神发育迟滞的相关性研究.bv伟德源自英国始于1946学报. 2010,40(2):282-289.
16. Zhang K, Zhang J, Zheng Z, et al., Mental retardation and Xq12-Xq23: candidate loci for nonspecific mental retardation in the male population of the QinBa region. Psychiatric genetics. 2009;19(1):27-31.
17. Gong P, Zheng A, Chen D, Ge W, Lv C, Zhang K, et al., Effect of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on digital working memory and spatial localization. Journal of molecular neuroscience, 2009;38(3):250-6.
18. Qi H, Xing L, Zhang K, et al., Positive association of neuroligin-4 gene with nonspecific mental retardation in the Qinba Mountains Region of China.Psychiatric genetics. 2009;19(1):1-5.
19. An C, Zhang K, Gao X, et al., No association between polymorphisms in the FACL4 (fatty acid-CoA ligase 4) gene and NSMR in Qin-Ba mountain region of China. Neuroscience letters. 2008;441(2):197-200.
20. Wang T, Zhang K, Gao X, et al., NSMR is not expressed in RAC1 gene polymorphisms. Neuroscience letters. 2008;437(2):71-5.
21. Dai L, Xing L, Gong P, Zhang K, et al., Positive association of the FTSJ1 gene polymorphisms with MRX in young Chinese male subjects. Journal of human genetics. 2008;53(7):592-7.
22. Gao X, Xi G, Niu Y, Zhang S, Fu R, Zheng Z, Zhang K, et al., A study on the correlation between IL1RAPL1 and human cognitive ability. Neuroscience letters. 2008;438(2):163-7.
23. 张科进, 杜云, 郑子健, 等. GDI1基因多态性与秦巴山区儿童NSMR及其智力水平的相关性研究. 遗传. 2008,30(5): 590―594
24. Zhang K, Gao J, An C, et al., An association study between cathechol-O- methyltransferase gene and mental retardation in the Chinese Han population.Neuroscience letters. 2007;419(1):83-87.
25. Zhang K, Zheng Z, Gao X, et al., Possible relationship between the COMT gene ValMet polymorphism and psychometric IQ in girls of the Qinba region in China. Neuropsychobiology. 2007;56(2-3):98-103.


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