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工作情况:1992至1998 在山西省大同市医专附属医院任耳鼻喉科住院医师。2001年-2005年年第四军医大学病理学教研室和西京医院病理科任助教(住院医师)。2005年-2009年年在第四军医大学病理学教研室和西京医院病理科任讲师(主治医师),2009年-2017年在第四军医大学病理学教研室和西京医院病理科任副教授(副主任医师)。2017-2019第三方医学实验室病理部主任,2019年伟德BETVlCTOR1946病理部负责人,大兴医院病理科主任。





2011-2013年度承担国家自然科学基金面上项目 (项目号: No.81071951)




1. Zeng K, Ohshima K, Liu Y, Zhang W, Wang L, Fan L, Li M, Li X, Wang Z, Guo S, Yan Q, Guo Y.BRAFV600E and MAP2K1 mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis occur predominantly in children.Hematol Oncol. 2016 Sep 6 ( IF:3.193)

2. Zeng K, Wang Z, Ohshima K, Liu Y, Zhang W, Wang L, Fan L, Li M, Li X, Wang Y, Yu Z, Yan Q, Guo S, Wei J, Guo Y.BRAF V600E mutation correlates with suppressive tumor immune microenvironment and reduced disease-free survival in Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Oncoimmunology. 2016 Jun 14;5(7) ( IF:7.7)

3. Guo Y, Arakawa F, Miyoshi H, Niino D, Kawano R, Ohshima K.Activated janus kinase 3 expression not by activating mutations identified in natural killer/T-cell lymphoma. Pathol Int. 2014 Jun;64(6):263-6.(IF:1.742)

4. Guo, Ying; Takeuchi, Ichiro; Karnan, Sivasundaram; Miyata, Tomoko; Ohshima, Koichi; Seto, Masao, Array-comparative genomic hybridization profiling of immunohistochemical subgroups of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma shows distinct genomic alterations, Cancer Science,  2014;105(4), 481-489(兼通讯作者)(IF:4.372)

5. Guo Y, Karube K, Kawano R, J Suzumiya , Takeshita M, Kikuchi M, Huang GS, Li Q , Ohshima K. The pathological analysis of BCL2-negative follicular lymphoma; BCL6 translocation and BCL6 and p53 expression may take place bcl2 in lymphomagenesis. Pathology International.2007;57(3):148-152. (IF:1.742)

6. Karube K, Guo Y, Suzumiya J, Sugita Y, Nomura Y, Yamamoto K, Shimizu K, Yoshida S, Komatani H, Takeshita M, Kikuchi M, Nakamura N, Takasu O, Arakawa F, Tagawa H, Seto M, Ohshima K. CD10(-)MUM1(+)follicular lymphoma lacks BCL2 translocation and shows characteristic biological and clinical features. Blood. 2007 Apr 1;109(7):3076-9. (共同第一) (IF:15.132)

7. Guo Y, Karube K, Kawano R, Yamaguchi T, Suzumiya J, Huang GS , and Ohshima K. Low Grade Follicular Lymphoma with t(14;18) presents a homogeneous disease entity  otherwise the rest comprises minor groups of heterogeneous disease entities with Bcl2 amplification, BCL6 translocation or other gene aberrances. Leukemia. 2005 Jun;19(6):1058-63. (IF:10.023)



所属部门: 伟德BETVlCTOR1946
职称: 副教授
荣誉: 硕士生导师
电子邮件: yingguo2nd@aliyun.com